Dawn: day 4


Rose with the morning sun today and mixed “Carpe Vita” in bed while watching documentaries. The synth tracks sound neat and are barely perceivable at times but really brighten up some spots. Some of the biggest struggles I have with DIY songmaking is making sure the brights are bright but not *too bright* and that the drums pack enough punch. So far these things are pretty damn close if not there already. Also I lucked into a very awesome bass guitar tone by duping the track and mixing them totally differently, and the track reminds me of Entwhistle which I couldn’t be happier about.

I’m enjoying mixing this one as I go along rather than waiting ’til the tracking is done. I’ve done six mixes and it’s my best sounding track yet. I’m learning a lot and establishing a standard for the quality overall that I hope I can continue to meet. Next time I hit the stude I plan to re-record some oohs and aahs and lay down a 3-second guitar part and call this one a day, and start on the rest of the Quadrumvirate which is almost entirely instrumental and much more subdued.

Spent the afternoon printing flyers and and posting them around Ferndale for the next Counter Elites show that fell into our collective laps yesterday. In the words of the Right Honourable Greg Aubry this show has been appropriately termed “Fuck Yes Fest.”

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