status update


We are thinking of releasing three CDs at once.

Currently Shaun W. (Matilda) and I are reworking the split cassette that we put out last May. The Lucky Suite is coming along wonderfully. It sounds composedly chaotic and somberly celebratory. We have re-tracked most of “The Prologue” and “The Appendix” and hope to soon fire out “The First Amendment”–and “Lucky To Be Alone (Again)” will be returning to the mixing bowl for necessary tweaks. Shaun’s tracks (Porn On TV) have had new life remixed into them, and we have co-written a new transitional tune between our “sides” that will take place of the 90s covers (“Closer” and “Daughter” on the cassette) as exclusive CD-only content.

I have a solo EP written, including bass guitar lines, and have been putting off starting to record it. Perhaps some part of me doesn’t want to bring these songs to life, because they’re the most honest and up-front I’ve ever attempted to be lyrically and musically. Often my songs can be somewhat subversive. I always try to include as many contradictions as I can, and do all I know how to keep a listener from knowing what I really felt when I wrote something. But these ones are impossible to hide behind, and maybe that’s why they’re difficult for me to begin to actualize. (I also have a music video mapped out in my head for the lead single–a song called “Yours”–but haven’t put it down on paper yet. It came to me on a long quiet walk.)

Shaun and I will start to record our next EP Humors as soon as tracking is complete for the split CD. That one will be a set of four hyper-mood instrumentals. For what kinds of sounds we plan to produce, check out this wikipedia page and read about what the civilized world believed in for thousands of years. I feel these songs cover many emotional extremes, and have freed myself up to write more straightforward and relatable material.

No release dates yet. They’ll be out when the stars align. But I’m hoping to have them all out before I go back to school at the end of August.

Also, the Walking Beat is putting the finishing touches on a 2-song release: “Long Beaten Love” and “Nighttime Sky.” Today I’ll be wrapping up my keyboard tracks, and then it’s overdubs and harmonies and off to the music factory.

Upcoming shows:
June 2, 2012: The Walking Beat at Woodruff’s (Ypsi) w/ Timothy Monger State Park, Skeleton Birds, and The Redettes
June 16, 2012: Matilda and Jon From The Moon at Maplehurst and Livernois [Block Party] (Ferndale) w/ Revoir
June 22, 2012: Jon From The Moon at New Dodge Lounge (Hamtown) w/ Brandon Frye, Future Slang, and CHAW

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