a Tuesday


Today I held a seminar on grammar at OCC. We did a bit of diagramming. These are some of the example sentences I provided in the powerpoint:

Steve is the fireman who rescued my cat.
The instructor had spoken only three lines of the poem when the fire alarm was pulled.
The police have been looking for the car thief since Saturday night.
The teacher had been searching for the assignment when she dropped her papers.
Jogging is a great way to start the day.
To jog in bad weather is not.
Christine enjoys baking cookies.
I need to water the plants.
This conversation is about writing proper sentences.
Margaret whistled a beautiful tune.
A beautiful tune was whistled by Margaret.
Mike plays guitar he is very good at it.
For sleeping in his office caused Carl to lose his job.
I like my schedule this semester. Because I can go to class and still work part time.

Then I interviewed John K. King (John K. King Used & Rare Books). He hadn’t slept and had been working all day. He showed me his rare book room where Richard Gere had just shot a scene and his meteor which fell to Earth in the 1600s. I really wanted to touch it, but I didn’t.

why books?

Then I fell asleep here for an hour.

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